Wednesday 8 July 2009

The Adventure Begins Tomorrow...

Deadline number 1, one week ago today: Drop of bikes at Heathrow. NOT our house keys. We still needed them.

Deadline number 2, lunchtime last Friday: Finish work for the year.
Check. ('Finish' as in handover to others to do in a blind panic.)

Deadline number 3, last Friday evening: Pack up the house.
Check. We were outta there by midnight. Hope the attic doesn't cave in while we're gone.

Quick break to France, Saturday to Tuesday. Obviously we can't go on a long trip without a holiday first.

Deadline number 4, at the crack of dawn tomorrow: Get to Heathrow for our flight to Anchorage, having completed the many things left on the 'To do' list.
To be seen.

The excitement is growing but it probably won't sink in until we're on the plane to Anchorage, or even until we're on the open road with our bikes, that we're starting our 'trip of a lifetime' NOW. We'd better make it a good one...


  1. No Google Street View in Prudhoe Bay I see

  2. Kerry and I officially hate you two!!!! Have a great trip, we'll be switching between yours and the Riccall blog thinking we need our own trip of a lifetime!!

  3. look forward to finding out more

  4. Hi,
    Glad to find your blog. We are the older couple that met you as you stopped near the Yukon River on your way north. We'll be following your travels.
    Don and Bev
